If you are having an issue using myDesktop please contact the Spectrum Health IS Service Desk for assistance.
myDesktop is a Spectrum Health computer system, which may be accessed and used only for official business by authorized personnel. Unauthorized access or use of Spectrum Health systems may subject violators to criminal, civil, and/or administrative action. Users (authorized or unauthorized) have no explicit or implicit expectation of privacy. Access or use of this computer system by any person whether authorized or unauthorized, constitutes consent to these terms.
myDesktop provides remote access at any time, from anywhere with internet access, and on many devices. It provides physicians and employees with access to a Spectrum Health Windows 10 virtual desktop from multiple device types, such as a home PC, smartphone or tablet.
Submit a ServiceNow request for myDesktop. This request will need to be approved by your upline before you are able to start using myDesktop. You will also need a one-time security code generated from VIP Access in order to access your myDesktop remotely.
A VIP Access security code is a Spectrum Health (SH) security measure that serves as second form of authentication during remote access to protect patient Protected Health Information (PHI) and other sensitive data by reducing unauthorized access. The security code will be used in conjunction with your Spectrum Health assigned network username and password for myDesktop remote access. VIP Access generates the security code you will use through your mobile device (Android, iPhone) or personal computer.
Contact the Spectrum Health IS Service Desk for assistance with getting setup with VIP Access.
You can use myDesktop anywhere you have an internet connection (wired or wireless) and a computer or mobile device available. You need to submit a ServiceNow request to receive myDesktop access. You can then access the myDesktop by downloading the VMware Horizon Client to your computer or mobile device, or by logging to the myDesktop website.
No, myDesktop is a new virtual desktop that contains core Windows and Spectrum Health applications along with numerous user assigned applications. It will, however, match the desktop you see when you tap your badge to login to a computer.
Currently, a specific group of applications are available on myDesktop. If your workflow requires an application that is not offered on myDesktop then you can submit a request by contacting the Service Desk and indicate the application you require and why it is required in relation to your role and workflow. All requests will be reviewed and a response will be provided to indicate if the application is planned to be offered on myDesktop and when. If the application is not planned then it will be considered and prioritized against other requests received.
The experience should be nearly the same, but you may not have access to device licensed software in myDesktop.
myDesktop offers the same functionality and you can perform almost all of the same functions, including printing from myDesktop. Your applications are limited to the core application included in the application group you are signed into along with a few virtualized user licensed applications.
Contact the Spectrum Health IS Service Desk for assistance with myDesktop use.