Resources for professional advisors

Click here for a printable version of the information below.

We believe that charitable planning is a process that ideally involved the donor, professional advisors, and our planned giving team. We look forward to partnering with you in a way that ensures your clients find the most meaningful gift that meets their charitable goals.

Feel free to email our planned giving team or call 616.486.6590 for more information or assistance. Please be assured that discussions are strictly confidential and there is no obligation associated with these conversations.

Legal Name: The legal name to use in the creation of estate planning documents to provide for Spectrum Health is Spectrum Health Foundation, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Alternately, the legal name to use in the creation of estate planning documents to provide for Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital is Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital Foundation, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Federal Tax ID#: The federal identification number for Spectrum Health Foundation and Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital Foundation is #38-2752328
*Both Spectrum Health Foundation and Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital Foundation are qualified charities with I.R.S. code 501(c)(3) status. Proof of status will be furnished upon request.

Location: 25 Michigan Street NE, Suite 4100, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503

Bequest Gifts through Will/Trust: If your client is interested in supporting Spectrum Health or Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital through a bequest in their will/trust, we have created the following bequest language as a helpful resource.

Bank Wire Transfer Instructions for Stock & Securities:
*Please email our finance team or call 616.391.5409 with the date of transfer, stock name, and number of shares.

Broker: Charles Schwab & Co.
DTC#: 0164
Account: 2194-0924
Account Name: Spectrum Health Foundation

Contact us

If you would like to learn more about how to include Spectrum Health or Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital in your charitable estate planning, or if you intend to/have already remembered the hospital in your plans, we would love to hear from you.

Kristin Long MPA, CFRE, CAP®

We are here to help and share the many ways you can make a difference through your philanthropy, now and in the future.

Disclaimer and tax information:
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