In 2018-2019, the Michigan legislature enacted laws that address the opioid crisis impacting our communities, our patients and our providers. We worked with state regulators and lawmakers to gain clarity as these laws went into effect. Please be aware that consequences for non-adherence with these requirements range from fines and probation to license suspension or revocation.
Before dispensing or prescribing buprenorphine, or a drug containing buprenorphine or methadone, to a patient in a substance use disorder program, a prescriber must obtain and review a MAPS report. In addition, for dispensing prescribers, individuals must report data into MAPS.
When treating a patient for acute pain, the legislation requires that no more than a seven day supply of an opioid within a seven day period can be prescribed. If you prescribe more than a three day supply, a MAPS check is required.
Prior to prescribing a controlled substance, a prescriber must be in a bona fide prescriber-patient relationship with a patient. A bona fide relationship means a treatment or counseling relationship in which:
There are exceptions for prescribing controlled substances outside of the bona fide relationship law, each exception still requires action on the part of the provider prior to prescribing. For specific requirements regarding exceptions, please review LARA frequently asked questions.