For suppliers, vendors and contractors

Spectrum Health, Priority Health and Spectrum Health Lakeland will soon go live with Workday as our new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. As a primary supplier conducting business with Spectrum Health, we want you to be prepared for changes that may impact your operations. What's Changing (effective January 1, 2021): 

  • Issuance of purchase orders 
  • Purchase order number and layout 
  • Purchase order requirement 
  • Invoice submission 
  • Invoice requirements 

A letter was mailed to all suppliers on November 2, 2020. Please refer to this letter for more details and contact information. 

Thank you for your interest in doing business with Spectrum Health. Our organizational mission is to improve the health of the communities we serve. We strive to achieve this mission through our values of excellence, accountability, compassion, integrity, respect and teamwork. These values are outlined in the Corewell Health Code of Excellence

We place the utmost importance on the observance of the principles of our Code of Excellence and expect all with whom we do business to conduct themselves accordingly. All vendors/contractors will be held accountable for their actions, and violations of the law or of the policies and principles of Spectrum Health will not be excused or tolerated. 

Pursuant to the federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, as well as other Medicare fraud and abuse laws, Spectrum Health is required to provide vendors/contractors with information about the federal and state laws regarding false claims, Medicare Parts C and D compliance, penalties and whistleblower rights and protections under such laws. 

It is Spectrum Health’s expectation that you will review the Spectrum Health policies and procedures and information regarding the CMS requirements for compliance contained within this page. Spectrum Health will provide a hard copy or other website links, as applicable, upon written request. Some of the policies are fairly general, while others relate to more specific areas. You are expected to understand and abide by these policies, rules and regulations as they apply to the services that you provide.

It is Spectrum Health’s expectation that vendors/contractors will educate all of their employees and contractors who work on matters related to Spectrum Health on such policy information and requirements.

Registration details

Spectrum Health has chosen to partner with Intellicentrics to provide supplier credentialing services. It is our requirement for any supplier that will call on the pharmacy, surgical services, respiratory or any other area that requires patient interaction to register with a minimum of base level membership with Intellicentrics. Individual departments within the system will require an advanced level of membership to better manage your credentials. 

To ensure you will be able to complete your appointed sales call with Spectrum Health, please take a moment to register today. Registration can be done at For registration technical support, please contact Intellicentrics directly. If you have other questions or concerns please call 616.391.1752

All other suppliers should click the “Supplier Registration” button which will redirect you to Spectrum Health’s supplier portal.

Spectrum Health policies

Supplier Payments

Learn more about Spectrum Health's policy regarding payments for goods and services.

Supplier Handbook

A review of supplier quality, supplier diversity and expectations.

Compliance Training

Learn more about the Spectrum Health Compliance Program